by John M. Frame Prof. of Systematic Theology and Philosophy Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, Florida [“Machen's Warrior Children,” in Sung Wook Chung, ed., Alister E. McGrath and …
Loving God with Your Mind Without Becoming an Intellectual Pharisee
by John M. Frame The Blackstone Fellowship, June 7, 2004 First let me express my sincere thanks to the Alliance Defense Fund for arranging this program and to Jeff Ventrella for inviting …
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Levels of Ethical Evaluation
by John M. Frame Note: I am writing these brief papers to supplement my lecture outline in the course Doctrine of the Christian Life. In the upper left corner of each essay is an …
Learning at Jesus’ Feet: A Case for Seminary Training
by John M. Frame [Originally published as a pamphlet by RTS/Orlando] At some point in their walk with Jesus, many Christians ask whether they should attend seminary—either to earn a degree or just …
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Law and Gospel
by John M. Frame It has become increasingly common in Reformed circles, as it has long been in Lutheran circles, to say that the distinction between law and gospel is the key to sound …
John Hughes of P&R Interviews John Frame
The following author interview with John Frame appeared originally on the P&R blog and is used with permission. Frame is the author of the following 14 P&R titles including the A Theology of …
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