John Frame

- History of Philosophy and Christian Thought
- Pastoral and Social Ethics (iTunes U)
- Open Theism (iTunes U)
- Theology Courses (Pathway Learning)
Vern S. Poythress

- NT 123 Biblical Hermeneutics
- NT 311 Revelation
- Elective Courses
- Sunday School Classes
- Women’s Weekend Seminary
Most of the course documents above come from courses taught at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. The materials are works in progress. They are tentative in nature, and subject to repeated alteration and improvement. Not everything in them represents settled views on my part.You may use all the course materials in OpenDocument Format under the GNU Free Documentation License. Briefly, the license allows you to use and pass on both unaltered and altered files, provided that you give credit to the author and that you grant to others the same freedom given to you.