by John M. Frame [Originally published in Westminster Theological Journal 56.1 (Spring, 1994), 438-442. Used by permission.] Richard A. Muller, The Study of Theology: From Biblical Interpretation …
More on Imprecations
by John M. Frame Imprecations, prayers calling down God's wrath upon the wicked, are found in the New Testament as well as the Old, on the lips of Christ and the apostles as well as the …
Moral Heroism
by John M. Frame [originally at, “Moral Heroism,” 5.8-10 (Feb. 20-Mar. 13).] In my paper, “Levels of Ethical Evaluation,” I commented on the heroic act of David’s three mighty …
Minorities and the Reformed Church
by John M. Frame Why are there so few African-Americans and Latinos in the PCA? Or in any Reformed church, for that matter?This is, I think, an important question. The Church of Jesus …
Ministries of Mercy to the Unborn
by John M. Frame At first glance it might seem odd that a conference on mercy ministries should conclude with an address on abortion, but on second thought the combination is perfectly …
May Women Teach Adult Sunday School Classes?
by John M. Frame Note: I was the principal author of this Presbytery committee report on a question posed to the body. The question submitted by the session was this: "Is it Biblically …
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