Rom. 3:1-8, 21-26, 5:1-5, 8:28-39 For many today and throughout history, the problem of evil has represented the most serious objection to the Christian faith. Some very brilliant philosophers have …
Analyzing Today’s NIV Below the Surface
by Vern Poythress Anyone can see that the TNIV (Today's New International Version, an update of the New International Version) makes changes to the NIV in the area of gender. Some of the changes are …
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Analysing a Biblical Text: What Are We After?
by Vern Poythress [Published in the Scottish Journal of Theology 32/4 (1979) 319-31. Used with permission. Also as pdf.] l. INTRODUCTION WHEN an exegete approaches a biblical text, he wants to find …
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Analysing a Biblical Text: Some Important Linguistic Distinctions
by Vern Poythress [Published in the Scottish Journal of Theology 32/2 (1979) 113-31. Used with permission. Also as pdf.] 1.INTRODUCTION SOMETIMES exegetes differ from one another not so much because …
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2 Thessalonians 1 Supports Amillennialism
by Vern Poythress 2 Thessalonians 1 Supports Amillennialism [Published in The Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 37/4 (1995): 529-38. Used with permission. Also in pdf.] Abstract 2 …
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Redeeming Sociology: A God-Centered Approach
Vern Poythress’ book Redeeming Sociology: A God-Centered Approach is now available freely on the ebooks page. The book can also be purchased at Amazon or at WTS Books. …
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