by John Frame In one of the more memorable events of the last presidential campaign, Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, later known as “Joe the plumber,” told candidate Barack Obama that Obama’s …
Between the Apostles and the Parousia: Bearing the Burdens of Change and of Knowledge
by John M. Frame This is the time in which we are now living. It continues and is like the apostolic age in many ways: the already and the not-yet, the empowerment of the Spirit, the …
Appearances matter
by Vern Poythress Appearances Matter [Published in World Magazine. External Link] …
by Vern S. Poythress, Ph.D., Th.D. [Originally published online at May 13, 2009. Used with …
Becoming A Theology Professor
by John Frame [Answer to a question submitted to the Third Millennium site.] There are, of course, …
Bahnsen at the Stein Debate
by John Frame Greg Bahnsen’s debate with Gordon Stein has become something of a legend in our circles. We must admit that it has been rare for a presuppositionalist to actually debate an …