by John M. Frame A friend told me that this book should have been titled, “why John Frame is wrong about absolutely everything.” Well, that overstates Clark’s interest in me and understates his other …
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Van Til and the Ligonier Apologetic
by John M. Frame R. C. Sproul, John Gerstner, and Arthur Lindsley, Classical Apologetics (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1984. x, 364. $12.95). A review article originally published in Westminster …
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Van Til: The Theologian
by John M. Frame In 1961, Cornelius Van Til reviewed a book by R. H. Bremmer called Herman Bavinck als Dogmaticus (Herman Bavinck the Theologian).l Having run across this review in a recent perusal …
Van Til on Antithesis
by John M. Frame As we seek to make the best use of Cornelius Van Til’s thought in our own time, it is especially important that we come to grips with his concept of antithesis, the diametrical …
The Spirit and the Scriptures
by John M. Frame The Holy Spirit is involved with the Bible in a wide variety of ways.1 As the Third Person of the Trinity, He participated in formulating the eternal plan of creation and redemption, …
Toward a Theology of the State
by John M. Frame There has been much discussion recently among evangelical Christians about the biblical view of civil government. Several events have encouraged us to pursue this topic: (1) …