by John M. Frame [Originally published in The Presbyterian Journal (Aug. 24, 1983).] Note, 2005: I wrote this article in anticipation of the debate over union between OPC and PCA. As it turned …
Is Realignment a Biblical Option?
by John M. Frame Note (2007): This paper was published in New Horizons, the denominational magazine of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, (June-July, 1989). In 1986, the OPC General Assembly …
Psalm-Singing in the OPC and PCA
by John M. Frame NOTE, 2006: In 1987, Reformed Worship published a series of articles called “We Used to Sing Only Psalms; What Happened?” I was asked to reflect on the history and practice …
Thanks for Dick Gaffin’s Ministry
by John M. Frame Dick finished his B. D. program at Westminster Seminary in the spring of 1961; I began mine in the fall of that year. He earned his Th. M. in 1962, and then entered the seminary’s …
Van Til: His Simplicity and Profundity
by John M. Frame Our Orthodox Presbyterian Church is a small body and has little influence in the world or even in the worldwide Christian community. For its size, however, it has had as …
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