by John M. Frame Sometimes in the Bible, God appears to change his mind. For example, in Gen. 6:5, he declares that he is grieved that he made man. And in the prophecy of Jonah, he announces that …
Do We Need God to be Moral?
A debate between John Frame and Paul Kurtz [From Free Inquiry, Vol. 16 No. 2 (1996). Courtesy of the Council for Secular Humanism,] A Debate A …
Debate with Michael Martin on the Transcendental Argument for the Non-Existence of God
by John Frame offsite link …
D. Clair Davis: A Grateful Appreciation
by John M. Frame [This article is taken from The Practical Calvinist: An Introduction to the Presbyterian and Reformed Heritage (ISBN 1-85792-814-8) ed. Peter A. Lillback, which is published in …
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Covering Ourselves: A Charge to Graduating Seminary Students
by John M. Frame Matt. 25:14-30 A Charge to Graduating Seminary Students This is a very special time of the year, for professors as well as graduating students. There you all sit, bright …
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Covenant and the Unity of Scripture
by John M. Frame Prof. of Apologetics and Systematic Theology Westminster Theological Seminary in California Reformed theologians have commonly found in the covenant motif a helpful way …
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