by John M. Frame I became a Christian around the age of 13, through the youth and music ministries of the Beverly Heights Church of Mt. Lebanon, Pa., a suburb …
Recent Reflections on Divorce
by John M. Frame The traditional Reformed view of divorce is well expressed in Murray's Divorce and Adams' Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage, and nothing much more about that need be said. On this …
Rebellion of the Heart
by John M. Frame, [Pastor's Column: Life at New Life] Question: (a) What can you do, if anything, with "rebellion of the heart?" (b) You are tempted, tested, and tried--you want to repent, …
Reactive Ethics and Sola Scriptura
by John Frame When you write or teach ethics, you may have to resist your natural impulses. Many Christians come to this discipline with the perspective that the ethics of society and of the …
Rationality and Scripture
by John M. Frame Associate Prof, of Apologetics and Systematic Theology Westminster Theological Seminary in California [This paper was originally published in Hendrik Hart, Johan Van Der …
Racisms, Sexisms, and Other Isms
by John M. Frame In contemporary secular discussions of ethics, one type of moral issue overshadows all others: the issue of inter-group relationships. The groups in view are denominated by race, …