The following personal email has been adapted for a broader readership, to illustrate Van Til's Apologetics. Used by permission. Dear A---------: I appreciate your inquiry. I am sorry to hear …
How Should Christians Think about History?
Is there a distinctively Christian approach to history? And if so, what does it look like in practice? How should we think about history? How should we write about history? How should we read …
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Clowney’s Triangle of Typology
Vern S. Poythress, "Edmund P. Clowney’s Triangle of Typology in Preaching and Biblical Theology" (PDF), Originally published in Unio cum Christo 7/2 (Oct., 2021) 231-238. Used with permission. …
Congregational Singing
Singing with the Saints (Part I) For decades now, Christian congregations have had to deal with differences in musical styles in Christian worship. Some prefer "contemporary music." Others prefer …
Oecolampadius and the Benefits of Elders
In an earlier article, we sketched the history leading up June 8, 1530, when the Basel city council considered Johannes Oecolampadius’ proposal to establish elders and reinstitute biblical church …
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Elders at the Reformation
What are the important milestones for the Reformation? Traditionally, we date the beginning of the Reformation from Oct. 31, 1517, the day Martin Luther set out his ninety-five theses. That day was …