This response to Robert L. Saucy was originally a paper presented on Nov. 16, 1989, to the Dispensational Study Group in San Diego. Download PDF here. It was then published with the same title in Grace Theological Journal 10/2 (1989): 157-159. It is used with permission from the Brethren Digital Archives. The full issue of the Grace Theological Journal, which contains Saucy’s paper (“Response to Understanding Dispensationalists, by Vern S. Poythress,” Grace Theological Journal 10/2 [1989]: 139-145) and Gerry Breshears’s summary of the subsequent discussion (“Dispensational Study Group Discussion,” Grace Theological Journal 10/2 [1989]: 161-164), is available at the Brethren Digital Archives. There is a related response to Paul S. Karleen, which comes from the same meeting.