by John M. Frame Quite a few people have suggested recently that "inerrant" is not a good word to use in describing Scripture. I shall seek to respond to them in this article. Before we …
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Is Realignment a Biblical Option?
by John M. Frame Note (2007): This paper was published in New Horizons, the denominational magazine of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, (June-July, 1989). In 1986, the OPC General Assembly …
Is Natural Revelation Sufficient to Govern Culture?
Is Natural Revelation Sufficient to Govern Culture?1 by John M. Frame The titular question seems to me to be central in the current discussion in the Reformed camp between Kuyperians and …
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Is It Wrong to Market the Church?
by John M. Frame For some fifteen years now, there has been a steady stream of literature opposing the “marketing” of the church. David Wells1 is responsible for a great deal of this, but others …
The English Standard Version: An Explanation
Explanation by Dr. Vern S. Poythress The English Standard Version is an essentially literal translation. It strives to preserve the actual wording of the original whenever this accurately conveys the …
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Do Modern People Have Room for the Wrath of God?
by Vern Sheridan Poythress Jan. 17, 2007 How do we think about disasters? On 9/11, disaster struck in the form of plane hijackings, loss of lives, the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers, and …
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