by John M. Frame Note: I am writing these brief papers to supplement my lecture outline in the course Doctrine of the Christian Life. In the upper left corner of each essay is an …
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Learning at Jesus’ Feet: A Case for Seminary Training
by John M. Frame [Originally published as a pamphlet by RTS/Orlando] At some point in their walk with Jesus, many Christians ask whether they should attend seminary—either to earn a degree or just …
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The Law, Theology and Abortion
by John M. Frame [Originally published in The Christian Lawyer / Vol. IV, No. 3 / Winter 1972, 24-27.] The question of abortion is one which tends to frustrate the usual types of theological …
Oecolampadius on Isaiah 6
A rough translation by Vern S. Poythress and Diane M. Poythress. Unpublished. Johannes Oecolampadius, In Iesaiam Prophetam HUPOMNEMATON, hoc est, Commentariorum, Ioannis Oecolampadii Libri VI. Basel: …
Is the Bible Inerrant?
by John M. Frame Quite a few people have suggested recently that "inerrant" is not a good word to use in describing Scripture. I shall seek to respond to them in this article. Before we …
Is Realignment a Biblical Option?
by John M. Frame Note (2007): This paper was published in New Horizons, the denominational magazine of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, (June-July, 1989). In 1986, the OPC General Assembly …