by John M. Frame We saw before that Lord connotes God’s power, authority, and presence. Let us now consider his presence. Scripture teaches that God is everywhere; nobody can hide from him …
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Preface to Andrew Sandlin’s New Flesh, New Earth
by John M. Frame Most of us Christians have been taught the importance of the atonement, that Jesus died for our sins. We also have celebrated Jesus’ Resurrection at Easter time, but why? …
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Preface to Always Reforming
Preface to Always Reforming1 by John M. Frame I am thankful to editor Andrew McGowan for inviting me to present this fine group of essays to its readers. Reformed theology has often …
Preaching Christ from the Decalogue
by John M. Frame If all Scripture testifies of Christ, the law of God surely cannot be an exception. As we study the law in a seminary context, then, nothing can be more important than to study its …
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by John M. Frame Polygamy is not a great problem in the western countries, mainly because of the influence of Christianity. (Polygamy in the west tends to be serial, not simultaneous!) But …
Political Theology in Wartime
by John M. Frame Prof. of Systematic Theology and Philosophy Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, FL Political figures, even the least devout, necessarily give attention to theology. For …