by John M. Frame [Christian Culture (June, 2002), 2.] Throughout the long middle-east conflict, much has been said about rights, possessions, inheritance, ownership of land. Palestinian …
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Walking Together
by John M. Frame [Address given at the organizing conference for F. I. R. E., the Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals, April 27, 1999.] I’m delighted to be able to share this …
A Van Til Glossary
by John M. Frame References: Bahnsen = Greg L. Bahnsen, Van Til’s Apologetic: Readings and Analysis (Phillipsburg: P&R, 1998). Frame = John M. Frame, Cornelius Van Til: an …
Van Til: His Simplicity and Profundity
by John M. Frame Our Orthodox Presbyterian Church is a small body and has little influence in the world or even in the worldwide Christian community. For its size, however, it has had as …
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Van Til: A Reassessment
by John M. Frame I have written a book on Cornelius Van Til, which will be published this year, Lord willing, by Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co. The book is a sympathetic, critical …
“Unregenerate Knowledge of God”
by John M. Frame [“Unregenerate Knowledge of God,” for IVP Dictionary of Apologetics.] Good teaching proceeds from the known to the unknown. So a good apologist will want to have some idea …