Genesis 1–3 is an account of things that happened in time and space—so it’s a reality of what we might call nonfiction or historical. But it’s actual things, not made-up things, that God did that you …
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Johannes Oecolampadius as Biblical Interpreter
Johannes Oecolampadius as Biblical Interpreter by Diane M. Poythress [The following is a pre-publication manuscript that is to be included in the Oxford Handbook of the Bible and the Reformation, to …
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Don’t Try to Make the Bible Say More (or Less) than It Does
Humility Required To the degree that sin remains within us, we all run to find in the Bible what we want it to say rather than what it actually does say. So, that creates a challenge to humble …
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Understanding Genesis 1-3: An Interview with Dr. Vern Poythress
The following post appeared originally on the Bible Gateway blog; it is used by permission. How can we faithfully read and understand Genesis 1-3? What are the implications related to divine …
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How Should We Interpret Genesis 1–3? An Interview with Vern Poythress from the Logos Academic Blog
The following interview, conducted by Tavis Bohlinger, is used by permission from the Logos Academic Blog. Vern Poythress is a highly-respected evangelical theologian and philosopher who has taught …
Christianity and Liberalism and Hermeneutical Presuppositions
The following is an essay by Vern Poythress from a new edition of J. Gresham Machen's Christianity and Liberalism. A pdf of the essay may be downloaded here. In the sphere of religion, in …
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