by John M. Frame
I. Lordship Attributes
A. Control
B. Authority
C. Presence
II. Knowledge
A. True
B. Justified
C. Belief
III. Aspects of Knowledge
A. Object
B. Norm
C. Subject
IV. Topics of Philosophy
A. Metaphysics
B. Epistemology
C. Values (including Ethics)
V. Topics of Epistemology (Outline of DKG)
A. Objects
B. Justification
C. Methods
VI. Uses of “Know”
A. Facts (knowing that)
B. Skills (knowing how)
C. Persons, things (knowing him, her, it)
VII. Objects of Knowledge
A. World
B. God
C. Self (corporate or individual)
VIII. Objects in the World
A. Nature and History
B. God’s Revelation (law, norm)
C. The Self
IX. Revelation
A. General
B. Special
C. Existential
X. Special Revelation
A. Spoken
B. Written
C. Direct
XI. Non-Christian Alternatives
A. Empiricism
B. Rationalism
C. Subjectivism
XII. Perspectives on Knowledge
A. Situational (What are the facts?)
B. Normative (What am I obligated to acknowledge?)
C. Existential (With what understanding of the facts am I ultimately satisfied?)