by John M. Frame Some may wonder why I have chosen to write an ethical treatise focused on law, rather than on the great events of biblical history. Why not an ethic of creation? Or incarnation? …
Compassion and the Ethical Calculus
by John M. Frame The Bible teaches that ethical values are objective and that obligations are something real, not just figments of our subjectivity. We discover these through God's …
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by John M. Frame [Originally posted at, “Cloning: Maybe?” 5.1 (Jan. 1-17).] To clone is to imprint a human egg with genetic material taken entirely from a single person, …
Capital Punishment
by John M. Frame [Originally published in The New Community, a publication of Community Orthodox Presbyterian Church of Blue Bell, PA, Sept., 1977.] Is there a place for capital punishment …
The Burden of Change: A Warning Against Laziness and Shortcuts
by John Frame [Originally published in Christian Culture (Sept., 2004), and posted at the web site for the Center for Cultural …
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Between the Apostles and the Parousia: Bearing the Burdens of Change and of Knowledge
by John M. Frame This is the time in which we are now living. It continues and is like the apostolic age in many ways: the already and the not-yet, the empowerment of the Spirit, the …