1. Why Study Philosophy: Metaphysics, Epistemology, and a Biblical Worldview2. Comparison of Biblical and Nonbiblical Worldviews3. The Milesians and the Eleatics4. Eleatics Continued and Early Alternatives to Parmenides5. Plato and Aristotle6. Plotinus and Gnosticism7. Original Opponents of Christianity, Second-Century Apologetics, and Irenaeus8. Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, and Athanasius9. Saint Augustine10. Christian Neoplatonism and Anselm of Canterbury11. Thomas Aquinas: Faith, Reason, and Epistemology12. Thomas Aquinas Continued and Late Medieval Developments13. John Calvin and Seventeenth-Century Orthodoxy14. Continental Rationalism and British Empiricism15. Blaise Pascal and Joseph Butler16. Joseph Butler Continued, William Paley, and Thomas Reid17. Introduction to Liberal Theology, Enlightenment Rationalism, and Gotthold Lessing18. Immanuel Kant: Transcendental Method, Phenomena, Noumena, and Critique19. Immanuel Kant Continued and Idealism20. Karl Marx21. Friedrich Schleiermacher and Albrecht Ritschl22. Albrecht Ritschl Continued, Wilhelm Herrmann, Adolf von Harnack, and Soren Kierkegaard23. Soren Kierkegaard Continued24. Friedrich Nietzsche, Charles Sanders Peirce, and William James25. Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, and Jean-Paul Sartre26. Karl Barth: Direction and Fundamental Structure of Thought27. Karl Barth Continued, Emil Brunner, and Rudolf Bultmann28. Rudolf Bultmann Continued, Paul Tillich, the New Hermeneutic, and Christian Atheism29. Christian Atheism Continued and Dietrich Bonhoeffer30. Hans-Georg Gadamer, Ferdinand de Saussure, Claude Lévi-Strauss, and Deconstruction31. Jürgen Moltmann and the Theology of Liberation32. The Theology of Liberation Continued and Wolfhart Pannenberg33. Process Philosophy, Process Theology, and Open Theism34. Introduction to Language Analysis, Logical Atomism, and Logical Positivism35. Logical Positivism Continued and Ordinary-Language Philosophy36. Ordinary-Language Philosophy Continued and Contemporary Epistemology37. Abraham Kuyper, Herman Dooyeweerd, and Alvin Plantinga38. Gordon Clark and Comelius Van Til39. Cornelius Van Til Continued